All Ears On You
Every business deserves an audience of listeners.
And Spotify is home to the most immersed listeners on Earth.
So, we’re showing advertisers what it truly means to reach a fully focused audience by imagining the Spotify experience as a moment where every listener is in their own Spotify bubble – protected from the noise and distractions around them.
This is what it means to have All Ears On You.
My Role: Project Lead: Responsible for creative concept, development, execution, marketing strategy, media strategy, and agency management.
Cross-functional Partners: Communications & PR, Brand & Creative, Legal/Licensing, Artist & Label Partnerships, Podcast Studios, Product.
Objective: To excite advertisers and move Spotify Advertising into a “must buy” category. This unique value proposition anchors the brand narrative and serves as a north star to fuel growth.
Media Coverage:
Ad Age: https://adage.com/creativity/work/spotify-encloses-listeners-beautiful-music-bubbles-global-b-b-push/2369021
Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/spotify-kicks-off-campaign-to-win-more-advertisers-11632736800
Muse by Clio: https://musebycl.io/advertising/spotify-has-ultimate-captive-audience-pitch-advertisers
The Drum: https://www.thedrum.com/news/2021/09/28/new-spotify-campaign-aims-prick-up-ears-advertisers
AdWeek: https://www.adweek.com/social-marketing/spotify-tells-potential-advertisers-all-ears-on-you/
Mobile Marketing: https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/spotify-launches-its-first-global-b2b-ad-campaign